ATTENTION: Our address has changed to 655 E. Dixie Avenue | Elizabethtown, KY 42701
ATTENTION: Our address has changed to 655 E. Dixie Avenue | Elizabethtown, KY 42701

KY Team Pork is on a mission to secure the Kentucky Pork Supply in the event of a Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak. By taking these preparedness steps together as an industry we can ensure business continuity.
Is Your Farm Prepared?
Contact our Swine Health Consultant to get assistance today!
Kylie Bush | (270) 734-5693 |
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Team Pork News
Biosecurity Buckets at Kentucky State Fair
Over 150 Youth Exhibitors were given BioSecurity Buckets at check-in to provide them with the tools to practice good sanitation. These buckets included educational information, a can of Xtreme Bio broad spectrum antimicrobial aerosol, dawn soap, and a scrub brush.
In addition to the buckets, Executive Director, Niki Ellis, addressed a large crowd of exhibitors during a mandatory meeting on how important these biosecurity practices are and how they can get more involved in Team KY Pork by obtaining a premise ID as well as their YQCA Certification.
Exhibitors were treated to a Team KY Pork t-shirt following the meeting and were seen wearing them proudly throughout the week. To learn more about our Team KY Pork initiative within the Exhibition Industry contact Kylie Trail.